Saturday, January 15, 2011

Families Can Be Together Forever

Friday night was a special night for our family.  All of the family who could, met at Jason and Rene's home for a little farewell party for Philip and Megan and their sweet family, who are moving to Las Vegas.  It was especially nice of Jason and Rene to open their home to so many and to host our little get together  and have one last family get together before they take off for warmer climes.  In some ways we will be sad to see them go, but in other ways, it is great to see new opportunities and challenges coming his way.  He has done a great job at the Trapper Trails Council and The Las Vegas Area Council will be blessed by what he is able to accomplish there in the next few years.  Also, I think, I speak for several of us, who have been struggling with all the cold, snow, and inversions we seem to have during the winter months in this part of Utah, that we may try to escape some of it in future years by coming for a visit with Philip and Megan and their sweet family in southern Nevada, where It is usually warm during the winter time.  Of Course, our home, will always be open in case they might want to escape the desert heat in July and August.   Any way we had a wonderful time together as family and are very  grateful, that after all these years, that is something you all still like to do.  The pictures below are just representative of all the fun and good times we had together last night.
Thanks to Jason and Rene for hosting this fun time at their place.
Here are Jason and Rene, our gracious hosts, busy in the kitchen.  The food was plentiful and tasted great.
In years gone by the basement play room was sometimes referred to as a "rumpus room".  I think the name is fitting in our day as well.  Here are Ethan and Hayden "boxing" with the X-Box as others look on in amusement.

Rene is a wonder woman.  Here she is laughing herself to tears, even after being invaded by the whole clan.  Love our Rene!!

Getting ready to bless the food and chow down.  Everyone had plenty to eat and we all had the best company ever.
Here is Sam, our little Chinese speaking piano player.
Were going to miss MEgan and their family.  As you can see Maddie and MEgan have a pretty special relationship.  I asked Garrett who he was going to miss the most when they are in Las Vegas.  He was quick to answer: "Maddie."  They have been in the same class at school and they don't live far from each other in Layton.
It was good to see Justin and Chalisa.  We love to see them smiling and were glad their whole family was able to make it down to wish Philip and his crew farewell.
The youngest of the Eborn clan is such a joy to be around.  He never fusses, and as you can see here, he has learned to smile for the camera.  Some say he looks like his grandpa did when he was a year and a half old.  If I was ever that cute, I'm happy.
Here we have Ada, Annika, Kate  and Hayden posing for Grandpa.
Don't you all just love to see Annika's and Ada's smiles?
Here is Alison jamming to the X-Box.  She still has the moves.  We love our sweet daughter and her family.  I even saw her giving Philip a hug and telling him she loves him.  There were a few moments when they we growing up, when we wondered if that would ever happen.  Oh, just childhood and teenage rivalries.  Deep down we always new they loved each other.
I think Emily must have learned to pose for pictures from her father.  It was good to see the Murray contingent!!

Does this picture give anybody an indication about why Philip will be missed and how he will bless the lives of many people in Las Vegas?  I remember when Philip went on his mission to the Philippines, I wondered if he would ever be serious enough to make a good missionary.  A few months after he arrived in the Philippines we received a letter in which there was a picture of Philip and about a half dozen little Filipino kids.  Philip had his arms stretched out around them all and he and every child had the biggest smile on their faces.  I remember telling his mom, that we didn't need to worry about Philip.  He had the most essential quality of all.  He loves other people.  In return he to is loved by all he meets, and especially by his Mom and Dad and the rest of the family.  We wish you and all of your family all that is good in Las Vegas.  The city will be better because you are their.  Love you all forever.  Remember the good times and that families are forever.


Rene Weston-Eborn said...

We are so glad that so many were able to make it...what fun! We should hold more Friday night dances at our house. ;-)

Love you,

Alison Daugs said...

It WAS a fun time and I am glad we all made the effort to make it. Thanks Jason and Rene.

We'll miss you Philip and Megan- see you soon!

meegz said...

Thanks for posting this Bart. Love the evening!! Thanks to everyone who came and especially to Rene and Jason for hosting. Love you all!

Oh -- and yes, we are a warm retreat now so hurry up and get here!:)