Sunday, August 31, 2008

42 years on the way to eternity

We are either getting very sentimental or we have
entered what to some is called "the second childhood".
Who'd have ever thought, that we would have spent a half
hour taking pictures of ourselves? I guess when we stop
and think about it, now is as good as its going to get
in the picture taking department. At least, I don't see
myself getting any better looking with age from this point
on, not that I ever was made for a magazine cover, or

Iris, to me has become more beautiful with each passing day.
She is a beautiful person, as good as they get. I am fortunate
that that invisible hand Alison and I were talking about the
other day helped bring this country bumpkin and the belle
of Macon together. No, I don't think it was just a coincidence.
Now my challenge is to live worthy of her. Sometimes, I
think I come up way short. All the more reason to persevere
and try to be better.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Snug as a Bug

Jared and Alison have been so generous with us.
We have a surprise sleeping pad in our bedroom
in our little cottage in Logan. It is much appreciated,
and I might add very beautiful. Thanks so much.
Here is a picture of our surprise. Mom ought to
be able to find some peace in that one. I hope so.
Good luck to her. She'll probably still be in range of
my snoring, not to mention all my tossing and turning.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


All of you will never guess the surprise Dad found when he went to Logan with a truck full of
items from our house. Jared bought us a new KING size bed!!!!!!!!! Your Dad and I don't know
what we ever did to have such wonderful and thoughtful children. All of you are the joy of our
life. We thank our Heavenly Father for his graciousness in allowing us to have a part in raising
His children. Everyone of you are so precious to us, especially by giving us those wonderful
grandchildren. The tears are falling, we are so grateful to all of you, we love ya'll so much.
We don't need any of you to give us anything but your love. We know all of you are kind and
loving and unselfish, we see this in all your actions toward us and toward others. When we think
of others before ourselves we are striving to be as our Savior is. Let us always think of others
first and our Father in Heaven will bless us in our lives. We will still have our trials, but He will
always be there for us if we will call upon Him. Never doubt our love for any of you. It's going
to be wonderful to be closer to all of you. We want to help all of you when we can.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friends Forever

We had the greatest time tonight. Judy and Farrell Brown threw us a farewell party. It was a hamburger fry with all the trimmings, but the fun part was the visiting, reminiscing, and laughter about all of the fun things we and our families have experienced in the years we have known each other. Many people have influenced our lives and also had an impact either directly or indirectly on our children. It made growing up and living here in our little corner of the world and Bear Lake Valley more memorable. There are many wonderful people in this valley, and though we are excited about the move, we will greatly miss so many of our dear friends who have contributed to the joy we experience in life.We appreciate the goodness of their hearts and their souls and the good families we have raised. We have all had our ups and downs, but for the most part we have stayed true to common values which have helped us raise good families, and that is what it's really all about. One good thing about it all, we won't be so very far apart and will continue to see each other often, at the temple or round about either here in Bear LaKe or in Logan.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Flower Photos

God provided the seeds and let me have a part in His
creation. I am very greatful, and stand in awe of all
that He has done.