Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Red Air" Days in Cache Valley

I love the mountains and seriously give credit to much of my good health to the fresh mounatin air and clear, clean water I have been able to breath and drink throughout most of my life.  However, since we moved to Logan we have had to become accustomed to a new  phenomenon ,our infamous "red air"days.  Logan is tucked into a narrow valley between two high mountain ridges with a river running through the bottom of the valley.  This is a naturual condition for fog to develop at this altitude.  The "red air" days come when that fog mixes with all the exhaust from cars, trucks and homes mixes and is trapped in the valley, especially on the floor of the valley for weeks at a time.  We've had this condition for nearly two weeks until today when it seemed to clear out following a small snow storm.  We still love this valley and our new home, but I've got to admit we enjoyed hearing about the inversion while we were in Hawaii more than we have enjoyed breathing the stuff since we got home.  Fortunately it doesn't last forever and there are things we can do to avoid the worst of it.  Stay inside, it's to cold outside anyway.  Drive up the canyon a couple of miles for our exercice.  Actually, here where we live it's not as bad  as it is down on Main Street or further out in the valley.  We're just a little bit higher and the "soup" is not quite so thick.  We can pray for frequent storms to clear out the air, or I guess we could move to Brazil and fight the chiggers or whatever else they have to contend with down there.  All in all this is a great place to live and I don't mean to complain.  We just need to find a way to cut out the excess particulates in the air. People spoil so much of what was once so clean and beautiful.  We see it everywhere, we even saw it in Hawaii and that is supposed to be Paradise.
A relatively mild "Red  Air Day" in Logan.


meegz said...

agreed, the inversions STINK! I guess the skiers have it figured out -- get up in the mountains.:) Here's to a good storm to clear it out!

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

I am so ready for some spring time weather! I am always ready for the seasons to change.

Agree, the inversions are so NOT fun. Good thing you have the beautiful Logan Temple to go inside and enjoy!

Bart said...

That is so true. We just go inside and the yuck in the air and the unpleasant news from around the world are forgotten for a while and we learn of things much more certain and promising. We are so fortunate to have the beautiful Logan Temple so near to us.

Candice Eborn said...

Hey Mom and Dad,

Mason wants to come visit for sure this summer, is two weeks ok.

I can't be much of a dad during the summer, so will you fill in for me.

You will need to share him for a couple of days with Howard and Cathy, but just a couple they both work.

We will send him on a plane.
Please let me know what dates work best.

love you