Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Celebration

The ladies of the house.

Now there are couple of good cooks, everything was yummy.

We spent the Thanksgiving Holiday at Alison's and
had a great time. The food was wonderful as was the
company. Thanks, Alison and Family for all you do for
us, not to mention the yummy food. It's always a joy
to come to your home, there is always such a good spirit
there. We love you and appreciate you for your good
example to us all. We hope that everyone had a wonderful
Thanksgiving, wherever you were, and that you all had
family and friends around. That's a big part of what its
about. Please be careful driving home for you who


Rene Weston-Eborn said...

I am glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Alison Daugs said...

I am glad both you and Justin's family were able to come. I love my family and I am thankful to have such great parents and examples.