Monday, November 22, 2010

Fun in the Snow

This morning it snowed here in Logan and since we had Stephen and his family visiting from Colorado we decided to make a snow man this afternoon.  The snow was not just right, but we did not let that deter us.  With a few shovels and some determination Mason, Gabrielle, Halle and I put together a pretty good snowman.  If it gets as cold as it's projected to be in a few days, this snowman may be stand guard at our house for some time to come.  I'm guessing there has not been many snowmen made in this seniors subdivision over the years.  We had some fun, got some good exercise, and some fresh air in our lungs.  It was good for us all, especially me.  I love making memories with my grandkids.

Halle was the only one who stayed around until the job was done, thus she is the only one to get her picture taken with the latest version of Frosty the Snowman.
We just love our grandkids to pieces.  Here is a close up of Halle and our new creation, Frosty.

1 comment:

Alison Daugs said...

The Eborn Grandkids can always count on Grandpa to make fun memories!