These are not just cards. They represent real people, who have feelings, families, experiences, and needs, just as we do. Have you and they begun to feel the joy of opening the Treasure Chest? Don't neglect this and turn the Treasure Chest into a Coffin. They Hope from beyond the grave.!!!! We love you all on both sides of the veil very much!!!!!
Kinsey Amanda Eborn
5 years ago
As you know, I am trying to work on the cards that were given to us. I have a few friends in our ward that have taken some to do for the endowments on Tues. I will be up there as well.
Thank you so much. You will be blessed.
Love you all and always,
Grandpa Bart
We're working too -- ours is truly a treasure chest! I put all of my names in there that I print out -- literally hundreds. The other night we did about 20 sealings of couples and 40 sealings of children to their parents. Great night!
As for the cards you gave us -- I have finished my initiatories and Philip is headed there this week. We're getting there.:)
I love President Uchtorf's testimony of Hope. What a great blessing we have to have prophets here on the earth to guide us and give US hope!
Megan and Philip,
Thank you so much for doing this. It means so much to those awaiting the blessings of the gospel, and it means a lot to Iris and me as well.
We love you all and always,
Grandpa Bart
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