Monday, September 10, 2012

What is Happening?

Last Saturday and Sunday Stephen, Candice and their family made a visit at our place.  We don't see them as often as we'd like and were grateful to have them  with us for a while.  Their kids are all growing up so fast, especially Mason.  We were sitting on the living room floor with our shoes and socks off, just kind of relaxing, when someone suggested we compare feet for size, Mason and I. We turned around and put our tootsies up together.  Either I'm shrinking or he is really growing.  I think Mason is going to be one big dude before he is all done.  He just turned thirteen.  The lad is certainly not lacking for a firm foundation, and that is true in more ways than one.  Love that kid and all the rest of our precious grandchildren.

1 comment:

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Seems like everyone is just getting bigger and bigger!