Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Debunking the Big Bang

Jason and Rene's acquisition of six baby chicks set my mind on a journey of faith and gratitude.  One of the great blessings of my life was to be raised in a time and place where I could witness the process of birth and come to know how very dull and sterile the world and our own existence would be without "the breath of life."  The elements, also referred to as intelligence, have always existed.  Everyone has faith to some degree and it is meant to be so.  Theories abound as to what life is and how it all began.  One common theory among the "learned" men of our age is often referred to as "The Big Bang Theory."  Watching a baby chick be born, or the birth of any other living thing convinces me that there is a higher power that controls 'the breath of life."  I find it impossible to believe that an explosion in a print shop would every lead to the creation of the dictionary, but that would be no miracle at all when compared to the creation of a living thing, capable of breathing, eating, seeing, discerning sound and colors in all their variety, loving and nurturing its own, and then being able to recreate itself  many times over.  I've never been much of a gambler, but if I were, I would not risk a nickel on the Big Bang theory.  I'll stick to the sure thing.  There is a Higher Power, God, who is at the helm of all creation.  Were  it not so, life would truly resemble conditions after a Big Bang.  To whatever extent  we give credit to the Big Bang Theory of creation, our lives mirror the chaos which naturally follows any thing of the sort, large or small.  To the extent we put our trust in God and rely on His infinite wisdom as we come to truly know Him, our lives become more and more meaningful and even sadness, sorrow, and commotion, take on great meaning and challenge us to  use our agency to make our world and the world in general a better more purposeful place.

Take a few minutes with your families to watch a miracle take place and to gain perspective about the gift of life. You will all be better for this. It is not just about a chick.  The lessons are profound and permeate everything you do and see.  Don't tell me you are to busy.  If you are, I feel sorry for you.

1 comment:

Alison Daugs said...

I know there is a God and i feel blessed that I have been able to experience first hand the miracle of birth as well as the millions of other miracles around me.

Thanks for the reminder! Love you.