Saturday, July 12, 2008

Madison's baptism at Bear Lake

Madison Brooke Eborn was baptized at Camp Hunt on
Bear Lake June 12, 2008 by her father Jason Eborn.
She has spent every one of her birthdays at a scout
camp and wanted to be baptized in beautiful Bear Lake.

Is any one going to go into the water with me?

Yes, Maddie, Your dad is going in to baptize you and your
uncle's Philip and Dan are going to act as witnesses. They
are all holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood. They had
to go out quite a ways before the water was deep enough
to baptize her by immersion like Jesus was baptized in
the River Jordan.

Jason acting in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and
with priesthood authority. This is a great blessing in all
of our lives, but especially for Madison tonight.

The sacred ordinance has been performed and they
are heading back to shore. It was spiritually impressive.
I hope this sacred ordinance will never be forgotten by
any of us.

Getting ready for confirmation. Madison was confirmed
a member of the Church and given the gift of the Holy
Ghost by her father Jason on the beach following the
baptism. You will receive many gifts in your life, but this
one, will be by far the most valuable gift you will
receive in this life. You will come to understand this
more and more as you grow older and an strive to do
what is right. Just remember, the gift of the Holy Ghost
only works when you keep your promises to the Lord

We love you Madison, and are so proud that you are a
part of our family and our granddaughter.
Grandpa Bart and Grandma Iris

Jason and his boys after Maddie's baptism at Bear Lake.

Jason's beautiful girls.

Jason still carrying his Maddie at camp after eight years.
They are very close and love one another very much.

Jason and Rene's Forever Family at Bear Lake after
Madison's baptismal service.

Thanks to the whole family for letting us share in this
special, sacred event in your lives.


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting these pictures. I wish we could have been there.


Alison Daugs said...

Looked like a very special and memorable baptism. I feel really bad that we couldn't come. It was such a crazy day with Ammon and Addison just getting back from camp and Ammon's dad in the hospital and I hadn't seen Ammon for 10 days- Addison also accidentally left grandpas fourwheeler in neutral after helping with some work at his place. We later ( three hours later) discovered that the fourwheeler had rolled back into the pond and was almost completely submerged. Ammon had to spend what was left of his day cleaning out every thing in the fourwheeler of the pond water,changed the oil three times, drained out the gas tank, etc. It was a busy day.It just seemed like a really full day. I am sorry Jason and Rene and especially Madison. We love you!

Ammon's dad doesn't know about the wheeler, so hush hush! Ammon worked hard to get it up and running again, so hopefully we can just chalk this one up as a learning experience.

Bart said...

Life is full of learning experiences. When it come to "things", they really don't matter a lot in the eternal scheme of things. Let's be glad he wasn't riding it into a raging river. We love you all.

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Bart/Iris....Thanks for capturing the moment with these great photographs! I didn't get nearly as many good shots so I appreciate you always...being there with us. Love you!


Philip said...

Good shots dad. It was good to be there with you. The Waters of Mormon is in Mosiah 18. I remembered that after your talk.
Send Megan the pictures you took.

Bart said...

Rene and Jason,
I felt bad after I posted the pictures of Maddie's baptism. I
didn't want to beat you to it. Sorry, but I was kind of like a little kid on Christmas morning, just couldn't wait. Some of them turned out alright. Love you all.

Grandpa Bart

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

No worries, you can always post pictures, we sometime tend to rely on you to capture the photo's for us so thanks.

We love you and are glad you are always there with us.
