Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hope JT doesn't get transferred to Yakutsk!!!

I've always been a little curious, maybe to much so.  I was thinking about JT/Elder Eborn in Siberia.  I think I'm going to start praying that he gets to go to Yakutsk.  It's a city of 200,000 in his mission connected by land via a single 750 mile road.  Our JT would really have some stories to tell if he were to be transferred there. Winter time is great, -50 degrees most of the time on good days and the sun barely comes up before it sets.  Then it starts getting cold.  At least the roads are solid and have a temporary bottom.  Count your blessings.


Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Wow, he has mentioned that the roads are bad .... can you imagine?

Alison Daugs said...

That would not be fun!