Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Temple calling

This election day was the best one ever for Iris and me.
during most of the day we were inside the Lord's house,,
the Logan Temple, beginning our new adventure as
ordinance workers for the next two plus years. It was
so wonderful to be there away from all the news and
news commentators, concentrating on learning our new
duties. It made me think of the day, we all look forward
to, when the Lord will reign personally upon the earth for
1000 years in peace. I can hardly wait. We both seem a
little overwhelmed with all the memorization etc. It's not
just the words, the times, procedures, and schedules,
which are totally new to us. We came home happy,
and tired and are ready to go back again today and
learn some more.

This will be a wonderful time in our lives. Please pray for
us to learn and understand quickly.

Love Mom and Dad. (Grandma and Grandpa)


meegz said...

I'm excited for you guys. I'm sure much personal growth will take place, along with many blessings being given. Great job for being willing to serve.
What a beautiful picture of the Logan Temple.

Rupert Eborn said...

I couldn't think of two people more ready to do this important calling. I brag to everyone about how great my Mom And Dad are.Thanks for being a great example to me and my family.

Alison Daugs said...

Only those that are able and worthy are asked to do such wonderful work for the Lord. You will adapt quickly I am sure and you will be blessed as you serve. Don told me that with all his aches and pains, he feels pain free when he is in the temple. I hope this is true for you as well. The things that you both will be learning will come easier as you are in there. You both have great minds and will do GREAT! We are so blessed to have such wonderful examples of righteousness leading our family. Love you both!

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Good luck with your new focus!

My advice, be kind to the new temple go'ers who are not as familiar with the temple and procedures.

I still have Temple Trauma from the early dayz.... LOL

Love ya,

Bart said...

That is our main objective, to help people avoid or, if needs be, overcome "Temple Trauma". Right now I have a little case of that myself because there is so much to learn and I'm not as sharp as I would like to be, but time and persistance pretty well fixes anything, even "Temple Trauma", for me and for you and everyone else. Love ya, Graypo