Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reflections and Gratitude

Many years ago I received my patriarchal blessing. In it
their was no specific mention of me someday marrying or
having a family of my own, as I had seen in some other
people's blessings. I was somewhat confused, because
that was among the most important things in the world
to me. I thought about it often. I wondered if it somehow
implied, that I would die young, or that no young woman
would ever consider marrying me, or that for some
reason I would not be blessed with a posterity. Yet there
were many other great and important blessing mentioned.
I received a mission call a while after I had received my
blessing and many of the promised blessings were, to one
degree or another, fulfilled as a missionary or at least in
some of my church callings throughout the years. There
was one small, rather obscure phrase which did not, at the
time, reach the depth of my understanding. It said something
to this affect:
"You go forth from a small kingdom presided over by your
father to build a kingdom which will not diminishes his, but will
greatly add to it." Since our marriage and life together, I
have come to a greater understanding of that phrase. The
above photo, which was taken at our Family Reunion this
summer, was given to us yesterday by Philip and Megan
as a "home warming gift" for our new place here in Logan.
In it I see the fulfillment of the prophecy given in my
patriarchal blessing beginning to take shape. Thank you,
Philip and Megan, and all of the family. Nothing in the world
gives me more satisfaction than to know I have a family and
that we will have that family relationship in the eternities,
if we can but love one another and honor the covenants we
have made with each other and the Lord. Nothing in the world
could be more heart wrenching than to see our wonderful family
torn apart by yielding to Satan's influence. My heart is full
and overflowing with gratitude for each of you and the way
you lead your lives. If there is ever anything that enters your
minds or causes you to act in such a way that the unity
displayed in this family photo might be jeopardized please, please,
do not allow it to happen. None of us are perfect. Individually we
will never become what we were intended to become, only as a
family unit. Rene is really right. "We may not have it all together,
but together we have it all."
Tears of gratitude stream down my cheeks as I contemplate
my/our blessings. May we never forget who we are, or shirk our
duty to God, or one another, and all we come in contact with. My
love for all of you is unbounded. My feelings of gratitude extend
beyond my ability to describe them. All I can say is: Thanks for
being you, and allowing me to be a part of your lives. I love you
all, always and forever.


Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Great house warming present!

Gratitude is probably one of the most important traits to have.

Love you Bart & Iris.

meegz said...

We are glad to be part of this wonderful family. I love the picture and hope that it brings warmth to your hearts as you look at it. We are excited for the new chapter in your life. You made the right move at the right time.

Love you
Philip and Megan

Bart said...

We hope our move was a good thing. Bear Lake Will Always be home. Our roots are deep, at l east mine are, but we love our new home and ward and seem to have hit the ground running. It's nice to feel needed. It's wonderful to be closer to family and we hope we can be of some influence for good. It appears opportunities abound for which we are very greatful. My only real wish is to be an istrument in God's hands. and be of help to others, especially my family.

Rupert Eborn said...

We have a nice family I'm very grateful.