Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Koshare Indian Dancers

The Koshare Indian Dancers are coming to Bear Lake.
Stephen befriended this troop and Venturing Crew from
LaJunta, Colorado since he has been working down there.
This is a unique and exemplary troop. They are celebrating
their 75th anniversay this year. They do all the traditional
scouting things, but take it a step further. They emphasize
keeping the lore of the Native Americans alive and have been
performing Indian, dances, songs etc. in elaborate native
costumes which have won them worldwide acclaim. They were
in Japan last year, and have performed all over the USA. They
have performed before Presidents, at half time for professional
football games, and for family and school groups and everything
in between. Most impressive to me is that thy have produced
more than 600 Eagle Scouts, 90 percent of which have gone on
to college, and they count more than 100 doctor's degrees, either
PhDs, MDs or thother academic doctorates among their alumni.
Show me another little town like LaJunta., that can boast the same.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg as to what they have done.
We consider it an honor to be able to host them here, and invite any
and all who can to come and see their program, If you can't come
please tell others about it. They will be at the Bear Lake Middle
School Auditorium at 7:00 PM on Monday August, 11th.

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